Yes, this rally called in Ramlila Maidan, New Delhi by Aam Aadmi Party's supremo Arvind Kejriwal seems to be an eye-opener to all those who are looking for or expecting opposition parties to come under an umbrella to defeat BJP or NDA or A cult named "Narendra Modi". Before this rally, Arvind Kejriwal himself was knocking on the doors of every opposition party's head state to state in the hope of getting them united and contesting the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections primarily with all force they could. But what was the outcome of these efforts by Arvind Kejriwal the Aam Admi Party's Supremo?

The Rally in Ramlila Maidan, New Delhi exposed all probabilities of a united opposition against Narendra Modi. Why I'm mentioning A single person's name instead of the Party or alliance to which the person called Narendra Modi belongs? It's because now Narendra Modi is now A "Cult", A Global Brand accepted worldwide and has recognition across the globe. His upcoming visit to the USA commencing on the 22 or 23 of this June 2023 is going to consolidate his image as A global leader. In relevance to the 10 days visit by Rahul Gandhi, ex-Congress president, and ex-parliamentarian from Wayanad constituency nothing substantial was the outcome and this will be compared with the upcoming visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit, and definitely, Narendra Modi is going to have the upper hand in this episode.

Now, let's come back to the point of how this rally exposed united opposition against the "Cult"! Remarkably, no major opposition leader of any party made his presence at the rally leaving aside Kapil Sibal ex-Law Minister who held other portfolios as well in the UPA government and is now an ex-congressman who is also a Rajya Sabha Member who with the support of Samajwadi Party is an independent parliamentarian in the house. High-profile Advocate Abhishek M. Singhwi's presence at the rally definitely left all thinking that in which capacity he was there at the rally. As he is an advocate for the Aam Admi Party in all the proceedings against the party and also an office bearer of the INC.

Anyway, other than these two majors and partymen of the Aam Aadmi Party absence of all other majors of opposition signifies that all is not well on the opposition side. Maybe Uddhav Thackeray, Mamata Banerjee, Nitish Kumar, K C Rao, Sharad Pawar, or any tall leader refrained from the rally with whom Arvind Kejriwal made a personal visit along with his party CM Bhagwant Mann. On the other hand, there is a call for another rally scheduled to be in the next 10-12 days for a united alliance against the Gov't. Interestingly worth noticing will be how Arvind Kejriwal is going to respond to the call, and how he is going to take a stand on the upcoming rally by some other parties of the opposition. Today being left alone it wouldn't have been easy for the Aam Aadmi Supremo to face the heat but he dared to end up the rally in his very own style cursing and blaming PM Narendra Modi for all the good and bad happenings in the country. Right from calling Modi an illiterate King who in his ego of being a King ruined the state, neutralized all the constitutional institutions, and captivated the brains of the common people with his oratory skills and lies. The economy tumbled by his incompetency and as a result of being illiterate. Roaring price hikes in all the consumables and all which he could have uttered. Many more things to mention will be worthless here.

It wouldn't have been wrong if by any common voter's view that this rally was going to be a litmus test for Arvind Kejriwal and his ambitious journey to the PM post, where things didn't fall in its place. Yes, one can say that's not the end of the road for opposition and upcoming elections are not going to be a cakewalk for Narendra Modi or BJP. But this rally has proved a point that all is not well in the opposition camp and left a big question mark on the Aam Aadmi Party's supremo endeavor to lead the opposition from the front.

So, back to square one what are the options left with the Aam Aadmi Party? Will the party go all alone and contest the elections on its own or again Arvind Kejriwal going to take a chance for a coalition with the parties state to state? This would be a probability until and unless things don't come out in any substantial way to confront the united alliance of the ruling party under the "Cult" i.e. Narendra Modi.




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